About Us

We believe that the key to finding the right solution to a problem is to fully understand what the problem really is in the first place. More often than not, a consultant will assume they know what your problem is and then set about finding solutions in line with those rapidly formed perceptions.

At Longboat Solutions we will never assume we know more about your problems or issues than you do. Furthermore, we don’t have any ‘one size fits all’ solutions ready to go. Anyone who immediately offers you an off the shelf solution is probably selling you a ‘good enough’ product.

For us, put simply, ‘good enough, isn’t!’

In line with this philosophy, our first step in finding your bespoke solution is to sit down with the person who knows your business, its goals and your issues the best . . . that’s you. Together we can really work the problem. It may be straightforward, and you might already have the ideal solution in mind, in which case that’s perfect – and we’ll help you to achieve it!

However, it’s possible we may be able to help you see the problem in a different way, a way that takes you and us off in a totally different direction than you anticipated, enabling us to adopt a far more holistic approach that gives you what you really need, a tailor made solution to your actual problem!

That’s Longboat Solutions; working with you to find a quality, long lasting solution to your problem. 

You bring the problems; together we’ll find the solutions