At Longboat Solutions we are able to provide a wide range of Risk Management services. These range from the initial research and assessment of risks generated by new operating environments and functions, through identifying mitigation measures and designing policies and practices for your personnel and operational teams, to deploying highly experienced field personnel to address issues on the ground.
When we deploy personnel to deliver your solution we will only ever use our own staff or vetted consultants who we have a trusted existing relationship with. Integrity, professionalism, trust and confidentiality are as important to us as they are you.
Risk Management is at the heart of our philosophy and in line with this, all our solutions feed into this discipline and all our broad range of services are available to our experienced Risk Management staff assigned to your individual case.
Whether undertaking commercial or private business at home or abroad there are always pit falls or other adverse issues that need to be addressed to prevent your activities being compromised, potentially leading to personal or financial losses. We can help you achieve your goals by identifying these issues before they occur and designing an operational plan that ensures you achieve a beneficial outcome in the safest and most financially efficient manner possible.
We have a network of global contacts who can assist us in understanding the realities of the operating environment and how best to undertake your activities in line with local laws, customs and business practices. This capability extends to deploying trusted and vetted personnel on the ground to ensure your activities proceed as planned.
As with all our solutions, discretion is second only to safety when designing and undertaking operational planning.
In tandem with our Operational Planning service, we are also able to provide direct logistical support across the globe. Whether that be personal or freight air transportation, chauffeur services, or secure storage or transportation of documents and other items, we have the contacts and capability to manage your logistical concerns for you.
Our team of highly experienced staff and consultants are able to design and deliver a broad spectrum of bespoke Health, Safety and Security training courses. We will work with you to understand your specific or more general duty of care needs and then tailor a specific course or series of courses to match them. This training can be either through direct delivery to the end users or, alternatively we can provide certified Training of Trainers if a cascade training approach is your preferred option.
All our courses are designed by subject matter experts with years of operational and training delivery experience.
Our service includes the ability to provide ongoing support to your training staff including Quality Assurance sampling, refresher training, equipment recommendation and procurement, as well as mentoring and development.
With a number of multi-lingual staff, we have the ability to deliver training in several languages.
There always comes a time when the structure you have in place no longer meets the position you or your business finds itself in. Whether you have grown beyond initial expectations and need a more fitting solution, or changes in the market have necessitated a downsizing and refocusing approach, we can assist you with this change.
Our experienced management consultants will review your existing structure and work with you, and your key staff, to help understand the critical functions you have and how to best adapt your current resources to match these needs and your new budget. Our service can include staff negotiations, arbitration and termination meetings if required.
Of course it’s sensible to undertake regular reviews of your structure before circumstances force you to. The key goal is to have one that suits your needs now, but remains flexible enough to expand with you as your business grows.
We are able to offer your management team Crisis Management training specifically tailored to your business or activities and based upon our tried, tested and field proven model. From managing the immediate impact on staff and delivery, through information and communication management to tactical decision making, our training course will push your staff intellectually and emotionally as well as building them into an effective Crisis Management Team (CMT).
Furthermore, Longboat Solutions is able to offer live support to your CMT in the event of an activation. This can be either via online platforms or by direct deployment to the field. Our staff have managed multiple crises across a range of contexts and covering a broad spectrum of incidents. They can provide specific advice to individual CMT members in line with their respective functions such as Security, Logistics or HR, or leadership and decision making advice to the Chair or Team as a whole.
In extremis we can provide an entire CMT to run an incident for you.
What critical functions does your organisation need to do to maintain its ability to operate? What steps need to be taken in the first minute, hour or day after an incident occurs to mitigate what would otherwise represent an existential threat to you?
Whether the threat comes in the form of terrorism, natural disaster, pandemic or infrastructure collapse, you and your business need to be ready and able to carry out those critical functions to minimise the long term impact to it.
We can review your operation and together we can design a business continuity plan that provides a cost effective solution to address assessed realistic worst case scenarios in your operating environment.
Additionally we can run live preparedness exercises for you, testing both your Business Continuity and Crisis Management plans. These exercises can be either with or without notice to your management teams depending on your preferred option.